Posted by Dreverse Dreverse4 years ago

Comes June just remember how awful RP has been

I mean it’s gonna be January in a day and I can’t see one player from all 10 upgraded heck I still see some never got upgraded . Never again will I do these , got better ideas what to do with my team besides I’m gonna call it a day probably after February it’s been a tuff year to say the least and due to Covid I think I’ve over played this game but for some who plopped down the 600k to 800k I ask .. was it worth it ?


What is the over/under for the number of post he creates trying to find the cheapest way to build RP this year?




And just what else are you going to do with your worthless coins at the end of the year?


Im not migrating to M22 anyway. And I am not the only one that feels this way. EA needs more than one full year to release a proper game on a new generation. With the volume of cards in this years game between legends and theme team cards, no need to switch. I’ll stick with my 99 OVR Trevor Lawrence.

I mean, the game already will have next year’s rookies and we got all the legends and current players, which switch from the best Madden game EA has made on current gen? It will take another 10 years for them to master next gen. Enjoy the grind and enjoy spending your money again.

Edited by sumthing_awesome