EA isn't forcing anyone to do anything. Consumers have a lot more power than they realize.
You know whats coming next. they are going to try force everyone to get the next gen by slowing performance on old gen and not offering same content. That will force me to stop playing madden mut. Cuz I'm into buying the latest systems every time they drop.
I bought some cheap snow hoping they throw something good in later once the new players drop. Can always sell for break even likely.
Yeah it seems that by purchasing the game, we basically paid a $60 admission fee just to enter EA's football themed casino.
Edited by metalhed75
it's like paying $25 to get into an arcade where we still have to pay to play each game. ()^%%^$$#$### is that
EA has moved more and more heavily to forcing more and more $ from us, promos only available to spenders is in my view something that should not be legal unless they can verify all users are over 21. But that's me, I'm sick of it. Two blitzes for crap and they want money. On the biggest holiday week of the year.
I'm going to be honest. Maybe im showing my age here, but I can remember when game makers made a game.......we pay for it, and that was that. What we got now is the game is basically just a vehicle for them to drive a wedge into your bank account. And it happened slowly, but we all let them do this. Well, at least I been vocal about it from years ago.