
cant decide

Got my free 50 player and cant decide between Barry and LT. Lets just assume I have a 0 OVR at both of those positions, who would you take?


LT powered up plays lights out for real


Barry... There are numerous impactful edge rushers out there. Barry is likely to be relevant longer (can argue with the team chems...Barry is "end game" now).


It depends on your team and scheme. Do you run the ball or throw to your HB a lot? Do you rely on a great pass rush to put pressure on your opponent? Barry is the best HB in the game but he's not that much better than Kamara or Bo or Alexander. Who else do you have on your roster? LT will likely be the best OLB for the remainder of the year. That said... Linebackers are terrible in coverage so if you're not using him as a pass rusher he is useless. Gun to my head I would take Barry because he can have more impact in more plays.


LT unless you're powering Barry up


I would take Barry since LT’s stats are pretty underwhelming from the past year. If pass rush stats don’t matter this year though, LT all the way. I took Barry and he runs so smoothly with his agility. Even though someone could easily grab McCaffrey and maybe get the same production, Barry is a cheat code


Ok, thats who I was leaning toward anyways

