I took Vick for my theme team so I could add Kittle to my team but already went back to Favre. Favre’s release has ruined me lol
I have been very pleased with Favre. Not looking to replace either of my quarterbacks as they are powered up all the way. I do need to get the top card for Aaron but I'll just buy that when it drops and price a little more
https://www.muthead.com/21/team-builder/9a8867ce-896a-4654-b9c9-8d64610ee1aa/ updating post with current lineup. also have all packers chems with coach, stadium etc. 50/50 packers, lockdown, balanced O. 25/40 sprinter and brawler
thinking of pulling Pat Peterson for now, dropping Deion in cb2, moving Aneas to cb3. Then when Pat gets upgrade ill pull King and maybe drop a silver LT in place of joe T
I took LT cause you don't have to do his set to get PU is basically free from his legend solo and i am building Barry
Mawae is already cheap.. get one of the more expensive players like moss or deion since you cant have too many wrs or cbs. Or take anyone that you can power up as a packer
the only one that's left that I can power up as a packer is peppers but I'm going to build his set because the power alone is over 250k. I'm not going to need the wide receivers or CBS because if I take any of mine out that I have I'll end up not having a full team theme. I guess I'm going to have to pour over this when I get home and look at the team a little bit more
Im sure you can replace a punter or maybe add in more packers backups.. your cornerbacks dont seem too good besides charles woodson. I would definitely choose lt or deion if i were you
I wanted LT bad but took Moss and bit that 400k bullet for his power up. I don't regret it one bit. Deep in or out elite, based on what type of routes you run, he goes off.
dont waste it on the center you should be set with kelce. get one of the more expensive cards for free. put both packers centers in normally in your depth chart and sneak kelce in as your long snapper so you can get one of barry , moss , deion or lt as your 50 player and it wont mess with your 50/50 packers chem.
Yeah but that won't work for me based on the positions of where I have people. I guess I see what you're saying is don't even worry about having a top tier center and use the Packers lindsley and the silver and then I could replace someone else but there isn't really anyone else I'd want to replace. My receivers are all fully powered up Packers so getting moss wouldn't help. I use Aaron Jones at running back and I would only use Barry as a backup as weird as that sounds but Jones should be getting some more higher rating soon. I guess I could go with LT but I'm not necessarily a fan of him personally. I like playing more with the guys that I know and are my favorite players versus what the best card is if that makes any sense. Right now for my outside linebackers I'm starting z Smith and Ted Hendricks both powered up. My backups are Packers Preston Smith and rashan Gary. So you think I'd be better off having a lower OVR center and then taking someone like LT and have as I back up outside linebacker?
Edited by madisonmike16
i feel ya im way to young to know who half these legends are lol, drop a link to your team on here and itll help everyone decide whod help you the most. the o line isnt really that important youd be solid with either the packers center or lindsley especially if you dont really play h2h. id say if you dont want lt replacing pat pete with deion would good plus hes a depth position and you can get the powerup for like 35k and powerup pass the his legend card.
Oh I know well all these Legends. It's just I enjoy the game more with current players but I understand that's the way it goes. My cornerbacks right now are Williams captain, alexander, and Charles woodson. number four is Pat Pete and then I use Packers Kevin King at number five. king would be the only one I would potentially replace in my secondary. but I guess I could just move Corey Lindsay back up to starting here's the backup as a silver player. Then again there's no one rule saying I have to pick that card this week either. I can wait see if they announce series 4 and hope some good cards are in there that I could make to compliment the pick
Would a Mawae fully powered up to 97 without any ability or chemistry increases to overall be considered endgame at center? I'm stuck at who I need to pick for my free 50 when I finish the solos. I run a 50/50 Packers team. And because of the lack of some high value players on the offensive line I don't have a lot of positions to change. As it is right now my LG is ZC Pugh Jenkins backup, C is kelce snow beast with linsley backup. My rg is jahari evans and rt is ogden . At left tackle I'm starting backtiari but might put the legend Joe Thomas at starter not backup. On defense my whole safety crew is Packers and all of my defensive backs except for Pat Peterson and that's just waiting on that 95 MCS card. I plan on building the peppers set because I need his power up in order to change him to a packer. The only other position card that I could get would be the Rodgers as I already have the Brett Favre but I already have him powered up to just before the 50 card that's needed and it's relatively cheap to buy. If I could find one position that I could maybe throw a gold or silver player for backup I could theoretically take the kicker but since I don't play h2h I'm not kicking long field goals very often. Thanks for any advice