Posted by MUTSG MUTSG ā€¢ 4 years, 2 months ago

Is the mobile app broken? Working for anyone?

The mobile app hasn't worked for me for several days. On iphone. Error message: "There was a problem communicating with the Madden NFL server. Please try again later"


If you have access to ANDROID device I recommend you download the Google Play version of Companion App because it looks like issues/outages isolated to IOS version so far..

1 point

I found out a bit of what is going on and a workaround. When you click on the top left of the app you can choose your "Active Persona". When I have my "PS5" persona chosen, the app doesn't work. If I change it to my "PS4" persona, the app DOES work. Hopefully that helps someone.


The problem is many of us cannot select the correct persona because it does not show up. App still broke .


Hey that worked for me thanks šŸ‘


It wasnt working before but restarted it and it was fine


Work fine. I get that every blue moon close app restart. Iā€™m on Ipad


It works To create frustration


This is a known issue with many many people. EA is aware and working on a fix but no ETA. This happened before earlier in the year and it took them about a week to fix but considering the time of year we are I am concerned it will take some time if they ever fix it.