If you have access to ANDROID device I recommend you download the Google Play version of Companion App because it looks like issues/outages isolated to IOS version so far..
I found out a bit of what is going on and a workaround. When you click on the top left of the app you can choose your "Active Persona". When I have my "PS5" persona chosen, the app doesn't work. If I change it to my "PS4" persona, the app DOES work. Hopefully that helps someone.
This is a known issue with many many people. EA is aware and working on a fix but no ETA. This happened before earlier in the year and it took them about a week to fix but considering the time of year we are I am concerned it will take some time if they ever fix it.
The mobile app hasn't worked for me for several days. On iphone. Error message: "There was a problem communicating with the Madden NFL server. Please try again later"