What are the Patriots weaknesses?
OLB, O-line, HB, could use another WR, DB’s are good but getting just a little out dated.
maybe falcons. i’m biased but u get gurley, (dickerson eventually) ridley, 3 good ass o linemen, and deion/d hall
Hopefully Dickerson at some point. Running out of promos for new legends.
I run 50/10 with Cowboys. My Buddy runs 50/10 boys/pats. We fill all the gaps on each other teams and at this point get your choice or secondary and WR.
I have paired up with Raiders, Ravens and 49ers. Raiders is pretty nasty, Seattle would be a good compliment as well.
Thanks man. I’m using raiders right now and it’s okay but your team is like the same as everyone else’s. Just gets lame in my opinion my guy. Seattle looks nice
Yeah it’s hard to leave because of the secondary...
Just switched to Seattle, since I already had DK Nat... looking pretty solid
Low key thinking the Steelers might be a half decent match. Couple good OL, CBs, Hines ward and Ham. Any suggestions that aren’t the raiders or 49ers?