
Double teaming importance, post up vs nasty streak, edge threat.

How viable is double teaming a defensive linemen especially with the post up ability? I heard that post up is really good and its cheaper than nasty streak which I use and it works pretty good. Though with nasty streak i can tell that it definitely works when my olineman makes impact with a lb cause he will push him back or pancake him but sometimes your oline wont make it to a lb and its 2ap compared to post ups 1ap. I never double team until i just started looking into it. Seems alot of time ill go to double team a defensive linemen but only 1 player will block him anyways. Just didnt know if anyone uses double teaming to their advantage especially with post up?


I don't run any abilities on my line but double teaming the DT is glitchy.


You can't "force" a double team on a run play with the double team feature. That is only for pass blocking. However, it does seem to negate inside stuff.


Ummm yes you can. It’s literally how you negate inside stuff. You can double any D line player within the inside shoulder of your tackles.


No the devs have stated that those are for pass plays and I have tested it. Go into a practice mode and run an inside zone pay. Change who the "double team" is on and watch to see if it changes the animation.


I have and it does. Imagine trusting the devs 😂. You can ID where your 2nd level man tries to move to as well. But hey whatever you want to think.


I have tested it. Id advise you to go into a practice (against the same defense every time) and test it again.


In for answers


Also if you wanna get cheesy put nasty on a back up lt and sub him in for your te

Edited by VioletKibbles22

1 point

Lol that's wild lol

3 points

Doesn’t work. Just tested it on Ogden and he struggled to find anyone to block because of the OOP penalty. When he did actually target a LB, they threw him to the ground like a bitch.


Shhhhhhhhh 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫 keep that on the hush brodie


Did this mistakenly get enabled again?


That doesn't work. Was in the game last year and removed.


Nasty on guards post up on tackles and c


ya its just not freq enough your linemen make it to the secondary/lb


I don't use either ability but I double team the DT with inside stuff or just the one where I'm running and it makes a huge difference.


My experience is that it essentially negates the ability.


double teaming with post up is amazing. Basically eliminates that player for the play. I ran nasty streak on my guards this past WL and while it was cool when my linemen made it to the 2nd level, it didn't happen too frequently. Im going back to 5 post ups on the oline


What’s best way to do this? Double the run stuffer every play or just the guy where you are going?


I always double the inside stuff guy and it negates the ability. Completely cancels it out. That's why I run two inside stuffs. And I tend to shift my line to the opposite direction of the way I'm running to help the linemen track better. Messing with the line definitely helps in the run game. Especially with pulling guards


FWIW, Clint Oldenburg has insisted that all line adjustments do nothing on run plays.

I wouldn't say it's impossible that the game does things the gameplay lead doesn't know about but I'd submit it is unlikely. Running is pretty good in the game and there's a decent chance that the line adjustments runners swear by actually don't do anything.

I never pass, run all the time, and do no line adjustments, and still get hundreds and hundreds of running yards a game.

Edited by ThermonuclearDud


Every time Clint opens his mouth he’s proven wrong. There’s a reason why you can go in and lab against something like inside stuff and if he was right you wouldn’t be able to negate it with the double team feature. Yet here we are, doing it all the time. Through labbing I’ve found you can influence double on any lineman within the inside shoulder of your tackles and outside shoulder if there’s a TE present. Clint doesn’t even know his own game and it shows every time he talks


What’s your secret? I get tackled by guys that are engaged with blockers so much


You are almost certainly hitting sprint too soon - that causes instasheds.

I also play continuously with linemen at TE and TEs at WR, have 50/50 Power Run, etc.

Edited by ThermonuclearDud


I have 46/50 PR and maxed Bo with a great OL. I’ll try not sprinting so much