
Free Super Bowl player?

Anyone know what this could be? I run a 25 Ravens/Raiders TT and have about 4M in coins right now and 96 OVR team. Trying to figure out if its worth busting my *** to get all these weekly things done for 3 weeks for the player. The challenges and solo battles aren't bad at all but 15 season wins a week is rough to me. I barely have time to play WL typically.


Doubt its worth it, probably just a low overall elite card


I'm assuming its a 79-82 player guaranteed


I'm assuming its a 79-82 player guaranteed


I would assume they will have 6-8 legends from superbowls past available, and you get to pick one as an NAT if you have the token - these will likely also be available for coin. Just a guess, but what I'm picturing. I think you may see Joe Namath, Franco Harris, Von Miller, Reggie White and some others as part of this promo - so - it will be a good card, but probably something you can coin purchase that week for 5-600k. This would seem to fit the formula, right?


whoever goes to super bowl i presume so we'll know eventually


Edited by WizDragonXbox


Oh wow so basically the Super Bowl promo is literally 2 teams? I didn't realize that. I just thought they'd throw in others


if you mean the past legends then yeah maybe


They threw in past legends last year.