I had 25 Raiders paired with 25 WFT and then 25 Ravens and went back to 50 Raiders (97 overall). If you can afford the 15 best non-Raiders available for your other roster slots it is worth it to jack up all the Raiders with the 50/50 boost.
With WFT you would get a boosted Sean T, improved TEs, better depth at MLB and DL and now Desean. You would be trading big boosts on Gannon, Moss, Rice, Bo, Barry, the Woodson twins, Eric Allen, Glover and Mills.
I think 25/25 with the raiders offense and Washington defense would be insane, I’m sure you can mix it up a little too
So I just had a question and I know there's a lot of teams like this but do y'all think I should go 50/50 raiders or add a 25 Washington because right now I'm just 25 Raiders. Cause with 50/50 readers including Deion I'll have three 99 speed corners but the Washington brings more depth. Thoughts?