I think the closest you can get is the Full House Normal Wide in the Balanced PB:
Says it does but in Mut it is not under center. Right now the only thing close is West coast. In practice mode Bears has it but in mut game mode it does not.
Edited by oppunion
Ah. Interesting that there are playbooks in solo challenges that are not in MUT.
Don’t think it’s in mut this year . Believe the bears had it last year . They really are slipping this year with the lack of “live playbooks” color rush etc .
I played a solo and in the solo I was given a playbook that had the classic split-back under-center pro set alignment. IDK what it's called in Madden and can't find it by searching the playbook sites. This formation has a QB under center and two backs (usually a fullback and half-back) equal distance apart, in a triangle shape. Anyone see it in a playbook this year?