This has been going on for years. Remember M15 where Problem showed everyone Mike Scrape 3 Press? By Christmas time, that's the only defense you really saw in H2H. The following year it was cover 3, the year after that was Quarters, etc. It's been this way for some years now. The only time Madden has any originality is early on in the year when people don't know the Meta yet.
There is a theme in the schemes for sure...much of the blame lays with the product. EA has developed and distributed a product with known and clear issues / exploits. Yes folks could avoid the glitches, but the glitches are the most consistent thing in the it's frustrating, but I can understand why folks do it.
Honestly I'm just tired of every game being the same thing. It's either strong close, bunch offset, I form close, or strong h wing. Then on defense its 335 Mike blitz every single game, either that or mid blitz. If. People switched up their plays and didn't copy each other this game would be mad fun.
My guy 💪🏾💯 Just stick with it man, try to incorporate things and just stay yourself man. There’s always going to be bullshit left and right out there, gotta just adapt to it. Like when one thing doesn’t work, next has to ya know?
A lot of this crap is EA's fault too. They patch rerolls and anything that can make you coins but can't make your defenders smart enough to play a route correctly? You got freakin CB's chemed up with pretty much 99 everything, have them positioned correctly and they'll still end up getting burnt. I hate players this year because half of these clowns wouldn't dare throw a pass last year, now everyone is a fucking gunslinger 😆
It’s been the same thing for the last 3 years dude. People go on YouTube to find the exploits with the game and take advantage of it. Plain and simple.
It would be 90% the same with no Youtube. Didn’t need Youtube to see and copy stretch and rollout corners last year.
I’d run the play over and over if the bot I was playing couldn’t stop it. It amazes me that y’all complain like this.
A lack of unoriginality means there is a lot of originality...
Exactly!! Well said man. Think for yourselves & come up with your own plays. I played a guy yesterday. Saw he was running the AI exploit so I just said "have fun playing the computer dude" & he still ran the same play over & over again. Seeing I wasnt even playing. How pathetic is that LOL You see im not playing & you still use the same play on offense & defense over & over. I was laughing. Buttttttttt they think they are really good at the game. Yeah ok abusing an exploit doesnt make you good. Coming up with your own play calls & NOT abusing a glitch makes you good.
Yea I just don’t respect the sheep. If I face a guy who has an off meta and he beats me, hat tip to him.
Last night I tried to play at like 7 pm Prime time... I played 3 WL games and they all ran bunch with streaks and crosses the same plays over and over and when you cover it perfect you better have a 3 rec or spy waiting for that late release tight end because some YouTuber must have made a new video on bunch like yesterday or day before and there all running the same exact thing now.. Atleast unless there a good user all you have to do is blitz against this lmao it's gotta be boring for them to run the same stuff over and over but to each there own whatever gets you wins I guess haha
I usually try to stay positive but man open WL brings in the worst of players. I get tired of seeing strong close more than anything. It's just the lack of game planning that irks me. You'll face someone and they will run the same play over nonstop. Even when they are down 14-0 already like its not working try something else. I use to be mad at pros and youtubers but i can't anymore. I understand they need to make money off their ebooks and their videos. They spend hours making up the scheme or finding the exploit. Madden players today are just sheep. Do some of you guys not find joy in beating the other guys scheme or find joy in figuring out their plays? Idk i use to enjoy madden because it was an actual simulation more than arcade like. I mean madden 20 facing that stretch even thought it was brain numbing. I enjoyed seeing my players shut down the run or them trying to run head on then getting hit sticked for a fumble. I appreciate guys like jonezzy though, he actually tries to help players understand more and had engaging debates on the game. I guess i wish their were more guys like jonezzy lol? I guess thats the end of my vent lol.