You're asking about "True MUT team" WRs, not "non-theme team WRs". It's the default, intended mode of Madden ULTIMATE team.
Moss & Deion probably. I’m still waiting for a 99 Speed non-theme team Route Runner archetype WR.
Ridley is amazing I run Hawks TT with route tech DK and Rice, and Ridley with no abilities is my playmaker
Diggs, T.Y., Santana, D.K., Deion
How does Santana play?
Had him in the slot with slot-o-matic and he was great, didn't drop a thing for me, always got open. Replaced him with Diggs yesterday though and moved T.Y. to the slot. I run DeSean, Diggs, and Hilton on a non-TT. Was gonna say DeSean in my original reply but don't like recommending LTDs.
I’m running DK, Tyreek Hill, and Chad Johnson as my top three. None of which are part of my Eagles theme team. All three play very very well for me.
I know theme teams give crazy boosts but for those not running a theme team, who are your WRS? I’m currently using Deion, DK and TOTY Digs.