
GT Meta???

With how the Meta is going this year... who would you build as a GT to maximize the meta this year? Offense and defensive side. I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions.


Deion with a buff to press


A GT Quarterback will be a must. Strong Arm slot for Gunslinger, Field General slot for Hot Route Master. 4 AP total. Could add an Improvisor slot for QB Playmaker, but at 7 AP that’s probably not even necessary.


mike gesicki. Offense

DK. Defense. Plays ball aggressive

Edited by theoregun


Daniel Sorensen


Offense would be Noah Fant, Defense would be Stephon Gilmore. Fants 94 is amazing and as a Gt he’d be close to 99 speed. Gilmore just because he’s a great player who never transfers well to madden due to speed


Pick an animator like Calvin Ridley or Jamal. Not even looking at stats this year as they matter less than every. Gotta choose the dude who gets animations then boost thresholds for abilities. If I was doing a TT card it would probably be Ben Coates as he is the first Patriot on O that I have seen get animations. Or Eric Rowe for the same reason.


99spd jmp press OOP Harold Carmichael man2man cb Would be the perfect CB with all that height. He’d Moss balls over Moss

For offense: I’d want a strong arm or Field general Lamar Jackson 5pt for GS and HRM sounds good. Even the 4pts for Escape artist makes 9. Which is equal to Improviser but if you don’t want EA it’s a point cheaper. Worth .

Edited by xlucky001


You can't create your own OOP players.


I’d make the most non meta GT, but I know I won’t be making one with how low the odds are