
Xbox Muthead League Draft?

Got this idea from Jacoby_Jacrispy to see who would be interested in an Xbox version of his post.

"We should create a draft for a muthead league with various players around muthead playing regs games and mut games. This could work just like Muthead League but there are teams and different teams can share strategy via Private Messages. We should have ten teams and ten of the best players select the competitors. Each competitor willing to participate should have a video of their gameplay showing off their skills and why they should be chosen. I think this is a really great idea and we could start our own league through the community. Comment below if you want to be a team leader and why. I will come up with a bracket once teams are chosen and we can start from there. Your teammates are still your opponents you just share things together and help each other towards the top like TNC or 818. Below are requirements for team leaders.

Team Leaders must have

90 OVR Team

-Chosen uniform for all of team to use throughout season.

-A Xbox One/Xbox Series X/S or a way to cross-play opponents.

-Time slot during weekends to play matches.

-Team builder link to show proof of team.

I think this is a great idea and we can see if you guys are on board with this. Chances are that the most active members will be leaders if they ask. (If jonezy or Ballsy asks it is almost a guarantee.) I think this will really help the MUTHEAD community unite and help each other out while duking it out to see who is supreme. If this gets far enough, maybe the moderators could even make pick 'ems for these matchups! DRAFT WILL BE ON DECIDED DATE. PROBABLY THE WEEKEND AFTER THE DRAFT. We will use play a friend to compete and I will post results of matches.

Rules -A quit is a loss. Doesn't matter the excuse. Internet, lag, dog ate my controller.

-Much like the MCC, Delay of Games will be declined on both players first play of the game.

-Most matches will be on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 8 p.m. with one game during the week.

-All games will be regs, unless you and opponent want to use MUT. -Must make YouTube video of skills for high chance of being picked. -Any normally enforced rules must be obeyed.

-Play to win. No dragging game out when you fell like you are going to lose. Our time is valuable and we all have thing we want to do.

Do you think we should have a coin prize or MHC for first place? We can do a seeded tournament after ten games.

Is there any bumps in the road I am forgetting? Are you willing to do this? Pm team leaders with your gameplay link. Suggestion .) If your MUT Team sucks then request to play your game in regs.

I will be more than happy to answer any questions. This will be updated when I get more info gathered. We will have 8 teams."

List of current team leaders.

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Now, I'm not entirely sure how this would go down right now, as I would have to ask Jacoby_Jacrispy to pretty much mirror what he's doing on the PS4/PS5 side of things.

Rules are pretty much the same, but this will most likely be a current gen tourney, as not everyone is on next gen yet.

More info to come depending on who is interested.

Also note that this is not confirmed yet. The amount of interest will determine if this happens or not.

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