
Super Bowl Prep Tokens...Free 97?

Am I insane or was there not an announcement or loading screen or missions tab showing 12 super bowl prep tokens gets you a 97 over player?

Anyone have a screenshot of this? Or has it always been 90-91 ovr player for this bs...


yep i saw it ... 12 for 97 ovr

it was changed ... oh well


It said 12 tokens for an elite sb player so EA removes the number 12 from missions and ends up giving us a set for 7 tokens and you get a nat 90-91 sb past player. Lol idk what these guys are thinking when they do shit like this


Yeah never said 97, but was supposed to be better than what we ended up with


all it said was elite player


I just remember it saying it'd be a free elite SB player. I just don't understand why they told us to have 12 and only gave a set that used 7, complete waste of my time getting those done.


It was changed because the conditions weren't tracking properly. Also, people complained they would have to play modes they don't like.

It is repeatable, at least. Should have made it 6 instead of 7, then, so people that planned for 12 like they told us could just do it twice instead of being two short.


Ea doesnt think any of this crap out before doing it

It just said an "Elite Super Bowl Player." I was expecting, like, an 85.


It’s never said that. We expected more than the nat 91 trash though.