
Best solo to grind XP

Been out of the loop for a bit, what is the best solo to grind for XP?


I'd say the Jack Young blood KR solo was the fastest for me .


win 1 solo & 1 h2h everyday

keep playing basically

Edited by WizDragonXbox


Hard pass on the H2H crap no need for that


it's a bit easier now cuz LBs animate better now

i can sit on 3-4 odd/cover 3 buzz buck or 3-4 odd/cover 4 quarters now

usually ppl quit if i'm winning by 2 scores before halftime

also i run the ball quite a bit so to use up the clock and keep opponent OFF the field

also cover 3 buzz buck stops strong close very well; if better players then i'll just swap to big nickel g/cover 3 sky and make the extra adjustments

Edited by WizDragonXbox


In for answers as well i'm about to hit Level 77 and i know most only give 70xp so looking myself