Before I go off, because I feel it coming, I'll write this as calm and collected as I can. My god is the frustration setting in.
I started this Weekend League 4-0, running the same scheme as always, a few new upgrades here and there, but mostly the same team and abilities. Since that point, I'm now 6-8. The only players that I've lost to have been running one formation on offense, and one play on defense, yes all 8 of them. Everyone was different offenses but route combos were killing me and they wouldn't stop getting open no matter what adjustments I was making. Their defenses were stifling, and with my Route Tech receivers, I was getting zero seperation against mid 90 corners. It just seems that I've lost my touch, and I'm getting extremely frustrated because these guys that I'm playing are all just E-Book sheep who can't think for themselves. The 2 games that I won were against a guy with 96 Vick as his best card who ran the worst PA play the whole game, and the other was a DC win against a guy with 3 95's in his top 3.
It's amazing how I can win only against actual opponents with schemes that include more than 2 plays.
I just really want to know what happened in this WL. I started perfectly fine, and now it seems that everything has just crumbled. I now have to win 7 games out of 11 to get my consistent 13, but I'll be lucky to get 10 wins this weekend.
Also I'm near rank 75-80 on the Solo Battle Leaderboard, but I don't think that will stand, so looks like a terrible weekend.
But hey, at least I won McCardell in a Raffle
Edit: now 7-9. Again, only won the game because my opponent ran different plays. Quitting down 14-0 is a common occurence for me because every single read that I make is an interception which always leads to 6 points for them
Before I go off, because I feel it coming, I'll write this as calm and collected as I can. My god is the frustration setting in.
I started this Weekend League 4-0, running the same scheme as always, a few new upgrades here and there, but mostly the same team and abilities. Since that point, I'm now 6-8. The only players that I've lost to have been running one formation on offense, and one play on defense, yes all 8 of them. Everyone was different offenses but route combos were killing me and they wouldn't stop getting open no matter what adjustments I was making. Their defenses were stifling, and with my Route Tech receivers, I was getting zero seperation against mid 90 corners. It just seems that I've lost my touch, and I'm getting extremely frustrated because these guys that I'm playing are all just E-Book sheep who can't think for themselves. The 2 games that I won were against a guy with 96 Vick as his best card who ran the worst PA play the whole game, and the other was a DC win against a guy with 3 95's in his top 3.
It's amazing how I can win only against actual opponents with schemes that include more than 2 plays.
I just really want to know what happened in this WL. I started perfectly fine, and now it seems that everything has just crumbled. I now have to win 7 games out of 11 to get my consistent 13, but I'll be lucky to get 10 wins this weekend.
Also I'm near rank 75-80 on the Solo Battle Leaderboard, but I don't think that will stand, so looks like a terrible weekend.
But hey, at least I won McCardell in a Raffle
Edit: now 7-9. Again, only won the game because my opponent ran different plays. Quitting down 14-0 is a common occurence for me because every single read that I make is an interception which always leads to 6 points for them