I'm sorry but after a certain amount of packs you need to cut your losses or take a break lol
Would you like me to sing you a song??
Idk bro 😩
man I lost a literal truckload of dollaridoos today
You have heard the preview of the song but I got more:
“Grogu on that grind”
“One of mutheads greatest finds”
“Sexier than your wife”
“No that ain’t a lie”
“Nothing but respect for Slam(slam)”
“Helll yeah he the man”
“Catch me if you can”
“Out ran the whole fam”
“Breaking records liek the G0AT
“Nah I ain’t one to gloat!”
“Trust me I won’t”
“I can’t swim or float”
“Primetime, i finna show-boat!”
“Grogu on that grind”
“One of mutheads greatest finds”
“Sexier than your wife”
“No that ain’t a lie”
I have hit 3000 posts!
Frickin' ridiculous. Over 100 packs, and they say that it's a 4.9% chance but nooooooo I get ONE goddamn 95. Should have gotten 4 to 5 and now I'm literally broke. Contemplating retirement now. Was consistently doing decent on this pack, pulling a 95 every 2, 3, or 4 rolls, and now 100+ packs and nothing? GTFO EA with your bulls**t.
Okay guys there is no way that the 95's are in the packs. 110 rolls, ONE 95. 108 straight rolls of 85's, over 600k lost. The 95's can't be in packs. This is freakin' CRAZY
I opened 3 two days ago and pulled 2 95's and i decided to quit while i was on top
If you think that si bad, my ex murdered me
getting 93 non-95s in a row? that is a 0.934949331% chance very very unlucky
The next 7 were prob all 95’s but you were too broke to find out
I googled this a few weeks ago The chance of missing is 19/20. The chance of missing 20 times in a row is (19/20)20, about 35%. So you have a 65% chance of winning at least once.
Edited by Steveeeee91
That happening doesn't even have a 2% chance of occurring...Go buy a lottery ticket
The only packs in the store that I'd open right now are GAP as usual and the 2000 random training one. That one is like printing MUT Coins.
Except for on my main account. On my farm account I pull 89+ out of that pack like it's my job, but on my main account I get excited to pull a jersey instead of the PU's and 1k-3k quicksell. I burned through 100k worth of training to only pull 2 cards that were worth more than 7k.
I decided to go on and rip a bunch of Campus Hero packs with training that I've bought (a daily thing for me) and I kid you not, out of 93 packs, I pulled ONE 95, and it was in my second pack. The odds say 4.9% to get a 95 and if those were true I would have gotten at least 1 more you would think.
But one 95 out of 93 packs? 91 straight 85 Overall Campus Players? C'mon man