You can use Gannon with protected, HRM, SFL. That's what I did for a few weeks. I do think protected is worth 2 AP but the pocket holds up longer than it should anyway when blocks are engaged so i wouldn't say it's necessary. Maybe if it helped stop glitch blitzes it would be but no ability will do that for you
95 Brady, Tannehill, Smith, Rivers, and Gannon are around the same price. PU Carr also an option.
Namath to answer your question, but protected doesn't really work against linemen with abilities
Edit: idk why I had Namath on my mind lol. All the 95 FGs can get it
Edited by MicahTheGOAT
3 comments about their opinions on protected and not one answer to your question lol geez. If I knew I’d tell you man goodluck finding out
Protected is a myth
It works for me. I use it on Brady and Joe cool. Depends on how im feeling. I dont use any linemen abilities except puller elite or whatever its called.
Protected has been useless for me. I feel like it makes zero difference. It might help slightly against non-ability linemen but it’s horrible against edge threat and DON.
just put post up on your guards or edge protectors on your tackles protected is bogus
Impossible to play this broken game without it apparently