
My theory on Tae Adams

He joined the 99 club in regs this year. So maybe after the SB promo where they realized he wasn't getting a card they figured they'd just wait until he can be released as a 98 and powered to a gold 99. So until there a promo with a 98 master we won't see him.


My dumba$$ I was so confused on who Tae Adams was until I realized you’re talking about Davante


It's his Instagram name for those scoring at home.


I’m pretty sure some on the 99s in M20 didn’t get upgraded to 99s in MUT


Hopkins and Thielen haven’t been upgraded either


They have higher OVR cards and definitely did not have as good of a year. Not even close.

Hopkins had a similar year and while devanta missed two games he also had the mvp


I mean, Adams played two less games and had 12 more TD's. But I guess other than that, it was similar.


People have been saying this since Zero Chill though. First was it’ll be playoffs, then it was TOTY, then it was LtD.


I would wager on him getting a Thursday LTD right after the series changeover so they can force GB teams to buy packs or dump coins.


You mean like they just did on Monday...


Well Rodgers won the MVP...that’s how that one works.


Yeah, again, I normally don't get too bothered by certain players not getting cards because a lot of it is just luck...but this is getting ridiculous now. Time to give Adams a card now.


It also leads me to believe they are planning to release position heroes this year