
E-Book Schemes. E-Book Schemes Everywhere!

Hoo boy have I got a story for you. I played a game against some Bears fan who ran nothing but Trips TE the whole game. Every play was motioning thw slot WR from the left to the right and motion snapping him on a streak or a flipped post. I was running man, zone, blitzing, and nothing stopped this guy. I refuse to believe that he was a good player. He set 15 seconds of hot routes, audibled once, and motioned every play. Sometimes my corners would mess up and blitz and leave an open guy but for the most part his guys were covered pre-play, but somehow they were always wide open once the ball was snapped. I noticed that a lot of people are running motion streaks against man, and they are always wide open with no Route Tech when I shade up, but whenever I run them they get blanketed, even when I have Route Tech. This was a few games today against the same 3 offenses, and Mike Blitz on defense. I run Mike Blitz and it kind of sucks and doesn't stop anything, but when they run it it's like I don't have an offense on the field. What are people running to glitch out my every move now?

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