
Fastest Way to Level Up

I know this has probably been asked and tested in this thread tons of times, but I am struggling to find an answer anywhere. Is the fastest level up method still to do the gain 50+ yard rivals, or is it now the cowboys vs. steelers solo?


do youngblood kick return under his nfl epics solo. Still fastest on time. 50xp each time and you can do it 3 times a minute - 4500 xp for 30 mins work.


Steelers and cowboys is just a solo to get interceptions I'm pretty sure. Pretty much any solo yields the same which is 70 xp. I'm doing the 50 yard rivals too, no huddle so your O lines up in the same formation, run out of bounds in the red zone to get no celebration.


That actually makes a lot more sense. I thought the interception/sack bonus was way more than the 50+ yards, but it comes out to 10 less. Thanks for the help!