Posted by m1k3y6i2 m1k3y6i24 years ago

Gonna be a good weekend

Last night while playing some WL, I started 1-0, and proceeded to go 0-3 in the next 3 games. After that I went 4-0 and stopped for the night, so 5-3 going into today.

Today I go on, get my MUT Rewards (which were trash btw. One 92 lol) and QS everything. Did a ton of training packs and got a 96 James Robinson and 2 Swifts out of the 90+ AR training pack (which isn't too bad btw. Only a 4k training loss if you get a 90).

Then I had a 93 Eddie Jackson left over, and then pulled a 93 Tua out of an AR training pack, and then pulled a 93 Glover Quin out of a Training Variety pack. Traded in all 3 of those cards and pulled 96 Justin Smith from the 95-96 exchange set. Sold him for 248k and was up to 300k.

Bought 97 Kyle Fuller for 296k to resell later on in the week, and he is a 99 on my team, so I'll be taking him into WL.

And tomorrow I get my second 95 pass, which I will most likely use on Ryan Jensen to upgrade Matt Birk.

So technically, I got an LTD today just through MUT Rewards. Almost like I pulled it lol.

How's your weekend looking?

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