Over 500k in training not a single LTD, but did make over 100k. Congrats on your pulls still!
I pulled three LTDs out of one training reroll pack... how do you ask? I flexed right when I opened the pack and out shot three LTDs. And to top it all off, I don’t even need LTDs because I have so much bank bro!
“I pulled 3 ltds, and i wanted to let you know that i’m not here to flex” lmfao 🤡
Edited by trace7mcsorley
It’s sad people are actually jealous to the point where they make a little high school group on here start name calling snd cyber bullying. And is against TOS by the way . Maybe my luck is better then yours cause of how I treat other people. Good day and God bless sir 👍
lmao nobody’s jealous of your in game currency smh. flexing on others must get u good luck, u are right. 👍
I have unlimited coins I have no reason to flex . All you need to know is I can buy any card I want ten fold
Lmao you know damn well most of us aren’t pulling anything, and you also know that you made this thread to “humbly” brag. 🙄
Ive spent over 300k tp between today and yesterday and have yet to get a card over 90
I've probably pulled 100-120 and didn't pull any limited cards. Not complaining since I've pulled a LOT this year from Packs, but not one from the training re-rolls.
In total, I've done maybe 3-400 packs and haven't pulled one.
I haven’t rolled as much as most because it’s an easy was to lose coins, but I ripped 60k training worth today and got a NTL and Redux Scary Terry. Still don’t think the variety packs are amazing tho for the others I’ve done
Just pulled night train on the first 96 Toty I re rolled as much as I love cheap limiteds I have no thrill left . Everyone runs the same play and seasons and w league . And limiteds don’t give you any adrenaline anymore. Mut is done for the year 😢
its luck idc what any1 says i have been ripping those evry week and no ltd
I’ve pulled zero LTD’s all weekend. I haven’t kept track, but easily 200-400k of training. Despite no LTD’s I’ve still made over a million. Training pack is the way to go.
Pulled 2 dans and 2 edges yesterday, and 2 robbys the day before. Started the day investing 400k coins worth of training and ended positive a million and with those cards still to sell. Was only day I can recall where I didn't get that veiny ea you know what
Wow, I lost around 450k training yesterday. Got wrecked
Update: After 150k training I Finally pulled Ed James from 2k pack. I just posted to this thread an hr ago sayin I still havent pulled LTD yet. Then I went back to try that "sumuva beyatch" again & 3rd pull had fast animation kinda like it came out the closet & then I realized it was Edge LTD (that was 1st time I seen card art which is very colorful)..!
I pulled all day. Probably 100 -150 rolls without an LTD.
I have 3 oh and I’m not hear to flex I have plenty of coin just trying to get a idea if the odds of this thing I been spinning all weekend