I see so many people pulling LTD's left and right and in maybe 700k training total I haven't pulled one, and have only pulled 4 95 OVR cards as my highest pulls.
For those saying that this pack is amazing, I just truly don't see it. Every time that I have done this pack it's just 1k QS's, PU's, and Uniforms, with the occasional 84 Legend Player. This, to me, is one of the worst packs all year.
I see so many people pulling LTD's left and right and in maybe 700k training total I haven't pulled one, and have only pulled 4 95 OVR cards as my highest pulls.For those saying that this pack is amazing, I just truly don't see it. Every time that I have done this pack it's just 1k QS's, PU's, and Uniforms, with the occasional 84 Legend Player. This, to me, is one of the worst packs all year.Thoughts or experiences?PULLED NTL LET'S GOOOOO