Posted by m1k3y6i2 m1k3y6i24 years ago

Alright guys, let's talk about DDA

Let's settle this once and for all. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I am tired of seeing "I lose because of DDA" threads, so let's settle this.

Does it exist?

This is the main debate. Yes, I believe that people get lucky here and there, and that is accurate to a real NFL game. In real life, you see players get catches in triple coverage in late game situations, and while they are very rare, they still happen, and it relies on the positioning of the defensive and offensive players, and the height of the ball, and a bunch of other extremely specific statistics. There is some times when it is clear that an opponent gets absolutely bailed.

When you notice that your opponent gets bailed and you get the ball back, start chewing the clock! Don't let the opponent get the ball back when the game is on their side. If you really want the win, just chew the clock when bails begin to happen.

Seeing all of these threads about "DDA" is amazing and just by the sheer amount of so-called "proof," leads me to believe that it does exist. However I am neutral in this debate for the most part. Yes, crazy things happen in the game, some good, some bad, but you really can't blame losses on "DDA" unless there is clear cut proof that something crazy is happening during the game. Like I said above, if you really want to get out with a win, run the clock out, and don't let your opponent touch the ball to avoid further bails.

Also, I have never once seen one of these threads claiming "DDA" include a clip of the play or plays in question, which sways my mindset the opposite way. So please, next time something crazy happens, record it! Then we can see if "DDA" truly exists, or if excuses are being made for losing games to lesser opponents.

It is definitely easy to be neutral, like myself.

I'm sure that you can say that you've gotten lucky, or that your opponent got lucky. Which is typically what happens in this game.

Let me know your thoughts on or proof of "DDA"

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