Posted by nicksr84 nicksr844 years ago

So just finished watching the gutfoxx/gmia video

Guess I was ahead of everybody by running universal with no abilities on my corners all year lol. No wonder tre white, troy Vincent and Gilly been locking ish up all year for me.


Can you summarize a bit more


Idk what their vids say, but I haven’t run OSA since close to launch. Acrobat with Universal Cov on all 3 CBs has been killer for me all year for only 3 AP. Zone or man don’t matter.


You need to explain. That video is over an hour long.


I don't see this unpredictable thing going crazy tho. Only 2 games so far tho


What video?


Video is down below


Can you elaborate on this? So no abilities on CBs other than universal. What abilities Do you use then on defense?


where do u spend ur ability points then?


The best part about this set up is the chain reaction it creats. When your opponent throws a pick it activates the ability on that CB. Then that CB never gets thrown at the rest of the game. Which in turn forces them to throw at another CB who then gets a pick and gets activated. And so on.


It goes away after 25 yards???


Can you post the link to that video please?


Pick artist is a damn glitch!!!! Added it yesterday and I'm getting the most ridiculous picks.


Acrobat is so scary when you're opponent has it on everyone. Ever throw to the running back is so close to the diving defender.


I took acrobat off. Ball just went through all my dudes whenever they lit up.


my guys never light up but my opponent always does


Story of my life...


It Def does this for me some too. But man I’ve had some crazy positive plays occur too. I also feel like certain players get more from it. For exam0le Charles Woodson, Weddle, and Deion do some crazy stuff with Acrobat, but Rod, Simmons, and Marcus Peters for me really only get some more basic acrobat dives.


I agree with what they said with it seeming like it works on perfect throws. I've never seen it work on tipped or bad passes but shit when my WR gets wide open and I make a BEAutiful throw the opponents light up and make the crazy ass picks