Quote from 102Geoff >> Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from VoodooToo >> They take 5-10 mins each on average
Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from VoodooToo >> They take 5-10 mins each on average
Not even... i played a few and most are like get a TD within 2 plays or something easy. Takes longer to load in + out of the solo than it takes to complete it
I really hope in Madden 20 there's an option to go to the next solo instead of going back to the menu.
Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from VoodooToo >> They take 5-10 mins each on average
Not even... i played a few and most are like get a TD within 2 plays or something easy. Takes longer to load in + out of the solo than it takes to complete it
The Xbox One X is key here. Reduces load times to only a few seconds.
~My bad. Didn’t realize you were PS4.
Quote from VoodooToo >> Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from VoodooToo >>inmean They take 5-10 mins each on average
Quote from millartime122 >> Quote from themarksman13 >> Am I the only who absolutely despises them lol
I despise them. They appear easy and fast. Are these WORTH it?
Idk I need that Bell for chem tho lol
Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from VoodooToo >> They take 5-10 mins each on average
Not even... i played a few and most are like get a TD within 2 plays or something easy. Takes longer to load in + out of the solo than it takes to complete it
Not with my Xbox one X lmao! So worth getting because solos load in and out freaking FAST!!
Quote from themarksman13 >> Am I the only who absolutely despises them lol
I despise them. They appear easy and fast. Are these WORTH it?
Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from VoodooToo >>inmean They take 5-10 mins each on average
Not even... i played a few and most are like get a TD within 2 plays or something easy. Takes longer to load in + out of the solo than it takes to complete it
I meant the first set of scouting solos
Quote from VoodooToo >> They take 5-10 mins each on average
Not even... i played a few and most are like get a TD within 2 plays or something easy. Takes longer to load in + out of the solo than it takes to complete it
Quote from dj1jry >> Damn!!!! Hopefully there’re easy.
Nah they're super easy (Quick pass for a TD, rush for a TD or whatever) but i just hate playing the CPU Quote from mchardj >> No! Full game solos with modified clock are the worst (looking at you SB's)!
Yeah I can't do those lololol
Am I the only who absolutely despises them lol