
How come after 3- or 4 straight losses you get a EASY opponent

I’m demoting because the legend tier is to to much meta cheese and I’m tired of going up against onside kick glitches , delay fades -Mike blitz O and just wanna play against different looks so I started playing only like a quarter or so practicing some plays then I quit and then that 4th game ..... the opening 3 cards are mid 80s one time it was two 75s and the 96 TOTY free ea play card then basically the rest were 3. 85 plus overall cards.

I have been doing this since Sunday now i didn’t lose 25 straight I obviously took advantage of those free wins and played another after that win and it would again match me up against 90 plus cards then repeating the process after that game so in the end my record kinda looked somewhat ok ( as if it matters )

Something here mathematically is coded I’m just wondering when I’m winning how it works because obliviously something is there and it can’t just be for when your losing.


Idk about this... I lost six in a row today and got somebody in the top 100 in my seventh game. Finally clutched up and won but I think it’s kind of random. I do think matchups have a lot to do with your record but idk about losing streaks.

-1 point

U have to lose by a few tds I usually don’t score quit when it’s like 21-0

-1 point

Because EA programmed it that way. If you play lots of games in a day you will get DDA'd out of you mind. Because the game know your still going to play anyways. Conversely if you don't play often (like me right now) the games thinks you are a churn risk. Plus Every other opponent I play is a human without a god squad. and my pack luck has improved some !

Edited by user789540

-2 points

The pros go on win streaks because they no the glitches or how glitch out defenders but casuals really go through the ups n downs. Just weird that there’s teams like this ( mid 80s) at this time


it not weird at all to have a mid 80s team, not everyone bought the game at launch or plays MUT as much as us. If you have a god squad & your good you won't play casuals with their top 3 cards as 93s very often. I played one guy recently with said 93s in his top 3 and played he played the entire game. It was 21-0 at half, I tried to shut down my offense the second half and still won 56-0. I know pros can be somewhat DDA proof. Just for fun go watch DJ vs the world. DJ blows out nearly everyone but in the last episode he played the Club champ and it got ugly fast. When I play regs I've match up with guys ranked in the top 500 to 15 despite barely playing the mode. I tried using my jags once and still match up with rank #124 using the chiefs.

Edited by user789540

1 point

The same reason that after 3-4 wins, you get an impossible god squad. The goal of the game is to keep everyone as close to .500 as possible to keep buying to improve.

1 point

I think you are on the money with the .500


DDA topic incoming.