Edit: not looking advice for anything but mlb. Team is good as is just looking to use 96 to replace an existing player to sell that one
Who do you all like as an MLB that has a power up oath and a 96 top thus powering to 97? I know a lot of y'all don't use mlb. My starting two are Mills and Bobby Wagner ( fully pu and goes to 98 chem). Running Packers TT so my other two are pu Blake Martinez and TS kirksey. Running 25 brawler and 50 LD on those guys. I have a 96 pass unused. If there is someone who would be an upgrade over Wagner I would switch and sell off his cards for a lil coin. Otherwise Ill stay out as he plays very well for me. I do already have the 91 Seau in binder so that would be a cheaper option if he is good.
Edit: not looking advice for anything but mlb. Team is good as is just looking to use 96 to replace an existing player to sell that one
Who do you all like as an MLB that has a power up oath and a 96 top thus powering to 97? I know a lot of y'all don't use mlb. My starting two are Mills and Bobby Wagner ( fully pu and goes to 98 chem). Running Packers TT so my other two are pu Blake Martinez and TS kirksey. Running 25 brawler and 50 LD on those guys. I have a 96 pass unused.
If there is someone who would be an upgrade over Wagner I would switch and sell off his cards for a lil coin. Otherwise Ill stay out as he plays very well for me. I do already have the 91 Seau in binder so that would be a cheaper option if he is good.