I thought that because the Bears got offense for TD1 they would guarantee be getting a defensive player for the next one. Well, with the Cowboys and Steelers both getting 2 offensive players guess I need to update my prediction.
I’m still going with Richard Dent for Defense, and for Offense I’m going Mushin Muhammad! Even though we was only with the Bears for a short time, I loved watching him growing up especially with him playing a role in our 06 Squad, plus this would be an upgrade for Panthers too (think that’s the on,y other team he played for, could be wrong)
I thought that because the Bears got offense for TD1 they would guarantee be getting a defensive player for the next one. Well, with the Cowboys and Steelers both getting 2 offensive players guess I need to update my prediction.
I’m still going with Richard Dent for Defense, and for Offense I’m going Mushin Muhammad! Even though we was only with the Bears for a short time, I loved watching him growing up especially with him playing a role in our 06 Squad, plus this would be an upgrade for Panthers too (think that’s the on,y other team he played for, could be wrong)