The irony is that you are playing against your own defense most games
God I want to throw my goddamn controller across the room. I love getting matched up against a bunch POS 😃
Work on running and playaction. Make your opponent think you're doing one thing and do the other, the formation doesn't matter. Run some power and then a couple of plays later run the same look but throw a slant. Run read option then playaction from the same look. Call hot routes that simply go towards the open part of the field, don't try to think about what defense you think the other guy is running.
This game sucks lol I have no advice for you. It can be equal teams, with equal schemes, with equal abilities and out of 10 games a complete crap shoot. Why? Because games get determined by EA frm the kickoff. It’s so obvious how a game is gonna go based off the first drive from either team.
Here’s my advice: stick to hunting for LTD’s and making fake cards. It’s more fun then the gameplay
I'm playing WL (started VERY well. 9-1, so a very good start for me) and now I'm 11-7. My 99 overalls can't get open, cover, complete a pass, and suddenly everything that I've been doing all WL so far just shuts down and stops working completely. Now, I have a 98 overall team with all the right players and abilities, and I will admit to being a 3-3-5 Audible player. My defense really isn't the problem for the most part, as they can sometimes get me interceptions, and that's how I usually win my games: off of defense.
My offense is absolute dog-crap and I'm looking for a new scheme. Everything that I do never works, even if it is the meta. I tried running Bunch. Didn't work. Strong Close. Didn't work. Trips. Didn't work. My normal random play offense. Didn't work. I'm just at a loss for plays right now and I'm getting absolutely shredded by everyone else's Mike Blitz 3, which absolutely sucks ass for me. I'm honestly amazing how 3 D-Lineman can stop Goal Line but that's a story for another day.
I need genuine offensive help. I'm trying to get a good consistent offense (whether it be one formation or multiple) and nothing ever works for me. I'm very bad at reading coverages, and am always throwing picks to guys in Zone Drops (which need to be removed btw) (and as a QB that isn't good lmao) and when I try to run the ball I get constantly stuffed.
Any good players out there that can help me out a bit?