It sucks I can’t power Harris up further than his 88 card right now
I don’t play h2h, a 96 WR to replace my #5 surely isn’t worth 40 wins but to each it’s own
Juju honestly, just because I feel like he's gonna get the plus 1, and my wrs suck lol
Harris cause I don't like Juju also I already have enough receivers...
Harris because you have tt
Harris... Eagles Player and the fact that he is Zone archetype is kinda good actually.
I've not played any online games yet (been playing for a month just building up a team), doesn't 80 wins in a week sounds like a lot?
The Eagles have a lot of safeties.
Will these cards go into their respective power ups?
I may sit this one out. I already can’t figure out hour to get AJ Brown out of my binder.
Hopefully they count the games for series wins. Only reason why I'll play. Need the collectibles to have a qs value
I guess Harris so I can quicksell a 96 instead of a 95 JuJu.
Which 95 are you gonna pick and vote for? I’m going with Anthony Harris for my Eagles TT