Posted by m1k3y6i2 m1k3y6i24 years ago

I'm retiring from Weekend League

I've found deep inside myself that maybe Weekend League isn't for me. I've been playing it since the first week of Madden 20 and I feel like this might be my last.

It takes a lot out of me and it frustrates me to no end having to play all of these sweaty players every weekend for what, 150k? After a lot of thinking, I've decided to announce my retirement from Weekend League.

I'm retiring on a low 10 win week, but it is what it is. The gameplay of WL is terrible, and I am finally fed up. This month will be my last, and at some point you have to say "enough is enough" and today is that day. I will still play this game, but you will not have to hear me complain about getting destroyed anymore. I've learned that the pain that I have to go through is not worth the insignificant reward for doing so.

Thank you for your time

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