If there was permanent cool down mode I would never play. Trust me I hate the cheese but I hate being limited even more
I don’t think the game is as bad as everyone says. (It’s still a terrible game). The problem is that little Timmy and his friends just go on YouTube and twitch to see what to run. If everything wasn’t online the game would be much better and more enjoyable, just like it was 10 years plus years ago.
The best solution would be for gameplay to be coded in a way that penalizes repetitive playcalling. Maybe something like each time in a row a player calls the same play it becomes less effective.... anything to force people to call some variety would help the game. They don't want cooldown... a lot of people loved it last year and they only brought it back twice this year for limited times.
They dont want it because they listen to competitive players far too much and these dudes wont be able to win thousands of dollars if they cant run 1 formation on each side of the ball all game.
In Tecmo Bowl you would get the offensive play screen and if you guessed the right play the defense would smother the offense. This was 30 years ago!
Here's what I'm thinking instead of Cool Down.... When the offense starts calling the same play frequently you get a pop up screen pre-play with 3 plays (the one they called and two other play). You can choose to guess (if you don't want to guess you don't have to). If you guess right it's smothered: routes are jumped if it's a pass, run gaps are filled if it's a run. If you guess wrong then you get penalized and the offense gets a boost.
If the game is gonna stay this way it’s simple ...it needs it
fix the hurry up issues and others that surface during the course like they do with patches.
It’s been a lot of fun in HR this weekend, albeit without any good reward. I wish they would keep a function like this permanent as well.
No, it would be an unmitigated disaster.
I'm plowing through house rules running hurry up Wildcat and Goal line and haven't thrown a pass beyond the line of scrimmage.
You do this anyways so what’s the difference?
That's the point.
If it was applied across MUT it would be completely degenerative. You'd need to get rid of HRM, hurry up, etc. and it still wouldn't work.
E-books and Youtube would adapt to create optimal strategies.
The end result is it wouldn't be what people want - they want their opponents to choose a lot of different plays that don't work very well.
I see what you’re saying but not facing 335 every down has been pretty fun.
Applied permanently across MUT it would just force people (and they'd be able to do it with a ton of practice) into creating the defense they want from any defensive play in a formation with frantic button clicks.
And remember you have to get rid of hurry up so offenses couldn't exploit that.
They do not have to infuse it into MUT Seasons, but I would like to see a permanent cool down mode similar to Draft Champions.....
How did Halo 2 have 500 game variety types and instant matchmaking but MUT has 3 and terrible matchmaking??
Yeah, its not like it hasn't been done before.
People still gonna people. But I have gone 8-1 (overtime loss by a FG) in this HR. It is more difficult to spam plays so less spammers are playing. Like, they created WL for try he cheesiest of the cheese. Cant they create the anti-WL for the rest of us?
Exactly, it isn't impossible and it will make more people in the community happy.
The best because the gaming experience, even with issues at times, will be so much more enjoyable. It has been a breathe of fresh air playing house rules this weekend.
The worst because they would lose a huge portion of their audience because you cant run plays more than twice all game. So revenue would be down for them even if the game is more enjoyable.
I hope they find the balance one day because cool-off is definitely needed, even for myself.