Sold one gold card to my second account and now I’m banned from the auction house and trading block. Is it just me or is it kind of ridiculous they can do that. I’ve spent over 200$ on packs so I paid for the cards. It’s frustrating that I get banned from the auction house for this permanently and yet there are players actually cheating and glitching online and nothing ever seems to happen to them. I appealed the ban and sent ea an email because I honestly didn’t know it was illegal to do that. Has anyone else had something similar happen and get access to the auction house granted back. It sucks because I’ve spent a lot of money building a chargers theam team and if I can’t use the auction house anymore it’s almost pointless for me to continue.
Sold one gold card to my second account and now I’m banned from the auction house and trading block. Is it just me or is it kind of ridiculous they can do that. I’ve spent over 200$ on packs so I paid for the cards. It’s frustrating that I get banned from the auction house for this permanently and yet there are players actually cheating and glitching online and nothing ever seems to happen to them. I appealed the ban and sent ea an email because I honestly didn’t know it was illegal to do that. Has anyone else had something similar happen and get access to the auction house granted back. It sucks because I’ve spent a lot of money building a chargers theam team and if I can’t use the auction house anymore it’s almost pointless for me to continue.