
How to get a 25/25/25 Theme Team starting 4/16

With the release of Team Master tomorrow and all of them getting a x2 to their current team chem. We should be at the point in the game that getting to a 25/25/25 for Theme Team is possible. Now remember that we have 25 offensive, 25 defensive, 2 special team and 4 team item spots (Total 56) that count towards the 25/25/25. So the least amount of players you need for one team is 10 total players and this is how. Team Captains now get you x7, Both Team Diamonds total x6, Team Master x2, Team Items x4, Mills and Johnson total x2, plus another 4 players. Now you only have 42 player spots left to get to the 25 for both of the other two teams. Both Team Diamons total x6, Master x2 is 3 players and gets you to 8. You will need 17 more for 20 players total needed. That leaves you 22 player spots available to make it to the 3rd 25 in 25/25/25.

Now becomes the time of which 3 teams together can get you close enough to all 99s or at least lots of 97s for the x4 scheme chems.


This a great post, but do you think it’s worth it?

I’ve been contemplating this as I have a 50/50 niners 15/15 cards team.

Figured maybe since favre is my qb I go 25/25/25 and the third team be someone favre played for.

Then I started looking at the diamonds like roddy white that are a low overall that I’d need in my lineup and just doesn’t seem worth it. Currently have Adrian Wilson just for the triple Chems and he’s slow and there’s better players out there.

Then I start wondering if I even have the coins to reap the team chem benefits of 97s at more positions. And spending coins on guys who will never play.

I really want to try it out but wondering if it truly makes sense to lose the 50/50 team boosts to try and gain more boosts from things like pas rush ect.

I think you would really have to be strategic about what 3 teams you pick and make sure the teams complement each other.

If I chose to add the jets as a 25/25, I’d have to be sure that those guys I’m adding are better than my boosted niners right? Otherwise I’m just diluting the team?

What you all think? Anyone map this out yet?


I’m at 25 Sea/25Wsh/24 NE now. Just need 1


Team items x4? Isn’t the coach x1 and what?


Two jerseys and a stadium


Jerseys have team chems this year? I learned something new today.

Edit: it’s dumb, but I’ve been using the alt and historical jerseys and apparently it’s only the base ones which get team chems. 😕

Edited by gbwisc


Yeah you need the base gold team items for them to count towards team chems. Thats why they have that second page that is visual team items so you can have a different looking coach and uniforms but they dont count towards team chems.

1 point

what about 50/25?

1 point

So for the 50 team you would need the 4 team items meaning you only need 46 from players. So team captain x7, two TD total x6, team master x2, Mills and Johnson would total to 17. So you would need 29 more players to reach that 50. Total players for that team would be 35. Since there is only 52 player spots that count towards team chems you would only have 17 players spot left. So for another 25 you would need two TD for x6 and team master x2 getting you a total of 8 with only 3 players. However you now only have 14 spots left and need 17 team chems to get to that 25. So sadly unless they add more people that can get multiple team chems you will come up 3 team chem short of the 25.

So 25/25/25 can be done but 50/25 can not.