
(Stats & Pics,solos,packs,sets)Theme Builders 2 coming today.2/21/20

Here you ho guys sorry for the delay These are all we Know as of Now the rest to be revealed tonight.(Once all info has been revealed i'll update the thread)This take some time to do since there is more that goes into doing this Now so Please Bare with me after the stream is over.Thanks in advance everyone and best of Luck to everyone going after Any/all these players tomorrow,Hope you all have a wonderful & Blessed weekend.

Oh Well Guess it Wont let me Add all the players so everyone go here sorry guys i tried.(There will also be Lower OVR players from 85-90 tomorrow as well for each team.)Each team will have 7 player total.ALSO GUYS REMEMBER THIS IS A HUGE drop this morning so to avoid any Hassles give this time to Hit the Game With any luck everything will run smooth today But you all know how things are with these and we wont have any issues.

Today's Title Update Link

NFL lIve Playbooks coming to Mut Soon

SB make it rights are still being worked on

Here are your Packs,set,& challenges: mut mut mut mut mut mut mut mut mut mut mut

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