got tipsy at the club, went home , started madden and....
overpaid Honors Barkley on AH. Been Curious the difference between RP Barkley and Honors Barkley. Honors Barkley is better than RP version in every aspects. First you can put ability "sprinter" and Red chem. He's currently at 99 speed! Breaks tackle more than RP, harder to bring down and trucking is better too!! Highly recommended!!
overpaid Honors Barkley on AH. Been Curious the difference between RP Barkley and Honors Barkley. Honors Barkley is better than RP version in every aspects. First you can put ability "sprinter" and Red chem. He's currently at 99 speed! Breaks tackle more than RP, harder to bring down and trucking is better too!! Highly recommended!!