
RG3 after roster update

Just missed 6 throws in a row. I’m livid actually angry. I decided to discard Favre for training then RG3 plays like a pile of dog shit in the back yard


Yes he is terrible... everyone should sell theirs immediately for half of what it is worth


From the gameplay I saw today, Favre is superior than RG3. but its hard to pass up all those abilities for such little cost


Just in Weekend League? WL is not a good place to evaluate cards.


Sounds like one game...get a larger sampling size to better make an informed opinion on the cards play.


Holey crap! That makes too much sense. I like your style sir.


I played 4 games at first great, discarded Favre. Roster update the card costs me the next three. Sailed passes strip sacks while at full energy and inaccurate passes with inside dead eye 🤔 just like wtf happened


This rg3 is the best qb I have used all year better than farve etc.