I'm watching the madden mobile segment on twitch and mobile will be getting a Future Stars program, so Space...Stars...could see something like that coming up
Nah. They’re winding it down. GTs and Ultimate Legends are all we’ll get until 22. Maybe Rookie Premiere, but Im not holding my breath
There’s always mut leaked animations that never see the light of day. Wouldn’t hold your breath brother.
I forgot all about this leaked promo and its animations. It’s hard to say any promo coming anytime soon because of the major content drop of GTs and the draft promo. My guess is, EA is going to wait a bit and then drop some content in a few weeks possibly.
My guess is that it's something along the lines of "Stars of the NFL" with cards for lower guys as well as some of the TOTY's, kind of like Position Heroes
A lot of content is going to matter on when the Release of Madden 22 is. Game Radar is stating that Madden will return to it's late July/Early August release cycle. If that is true, then Mid July will be that last of the content. Final Release of UL with Rookie Premiere coming Early July. They usually take a 2 week break before starting the new game. So when would "out of this world" cards drop, has to be between June 11 & June 18. We have 15 GTs coming with possibly some Dev GTs at the end. That's 5-6 more Fridays before any new promo is going to start to over shine GTs since GTs are suppose to be out of this world cards. I agree, this more than likely will be the "new blockbuster." But by the time these drop, the game is going to be over with Rookie Premiere following quickly behind it. In the mean time, we'll get the rest of the draft players and probably start seeing power up expansion for " Legends" and cards that they don't have plans for. Content is coming to a slow roll.
GT's were IMHO a near waste this year, a collection of bizarre choices that really failed to raise the bar at any position for the most part because of the way EA flooded the market with 99 cards over the last 60 days. Literally 90% of people still playing have 97-98 teams with three 99's at game start. And so many are laughable. I mean as a Chargers fan Jerry Tillery getting a gold 99 when IRL he's being looked at as a 1st round bust? C'mon EA.
BTW in my case all starters are 99's (and I'm not alone by any means) just waiting for the 99 P. Meanwhile, as content dribbles out, I'm simply on occasion trading out blue 99's for gold 99's which accomplishes nothing on the field really.
Edited by mvandor
If the leaks are true, we should be getting the space program and blockbusters. Rodgers does have a 97 and Mays isnt guarunteed an upgrade
I'm guessing we will for sure get it and I'm also thinking it will be a bunch of big name players like von miller( where has he been? Highest card is a 92)OBJ, Rodgers, Mays and whoever else that doesn't get a dev gt that will bring one last spark to the game. Kind of like blockbusters were a few years ago. I'm not a big fan of that approach as I would rather GT's be the best cards in the game even though they arent plus I don't want to spend all my coins then this big program comes out two months before mut22. Though I won't complain and will appreciate all the content but I'm not spending anymore on packs at this point in the game lol.