
for those playing mut on pc...

IF i get mut next season, i want to get it on PC for sure. what are the biggest pros and cons? those pc card prices scare me but im sure there has to be some upsides to playing on pc. sell me on gettin it for pc please!


I been playing on PC for a few years don't do much head to head stuff due to issues i have with lag in Australia. Auction house prices are higher then consoles but means if you sell you will reap the rewards from that. Is pretty easy making coins on PC. I just grind the solos and do my solo battles been getting bottom of top 100 most weeks in that when i have no disconnects easy coins.....will see if we get Next Gen on PC for M22. I would recommend getting EA play Pro you get the game a week before the official release date and a bunch of packs for monthly reward last few years been getting 6 x gold team packs each month

Edited by wazzas212


if you really want to play on pc maybe you should think about buying ea play pro. 99,99 for 12 month. all ea games included. if you only play 2 games it should be a win.


oh whaaat?? when m22 comes out, are you able to play it day 1? i thought you have to wait til the game is out for a while or something


i think you can even play it befor day 1. If everyone else can only play the 10-hour trial, then you already have unlimited play of the entire game. At least that's how it was with m21. You should ask @EA what they are planning for m22.

Edited by tom264ebm


PC prices shouldn’t scare you because your own cards will have value as well

I loved PC when I was on it... easy to get top 30 in WL.

With that said, I’m a squads player as well and that game mode is dead on PC... PC is for solo h2h players only


ahh okay. that makes sense. would also love to make top 100 in any mode just once in my mut life too haha.


As many have said the Auction House has far less volume on PC. This makes cards far more expensive then XBOX or PS. Availability is lower, so you may not find the card you want all the time, or have to pay top dollar for it if is New/Rare. That said, selling can be more varied depending on supply/demand as well. I DO NOT recommend buying coins, trading or moving them in any way. EA will nab you on PC. I have been repeatedly banned triggering EA's bots for selling high/buying low as well on PC.

The good, less competition = more prizes. Graphics and performance of course are far superior if you have any serious gaming PC as well. I found online performance on PC feels choppy/slow compared to solo. Not sure if this is normal on other platforms as well?


thanks for the info. definitely feels slow for online play on console as well.. dang i thought pc wouldnt have that issue but not a dealbreaker at all.


If you play H2H, WL, solo battles, it’s easier to rank among the top100 and therefore win big prizes.

Edited by salicagg


I imagine its also easier to hit top 100 in WL with the smaller player pool. I’d get it on PC too if I did not have an iMac. Mainly because I want 4K with higher and steadier FPS, and smooth menus. Getting a PS5 is outta the question it looks like for at least a year because of the conductor shortage.


I'm prob gonna get banned for this, but one of the best pro's of playing on PC is the coin sellers. Buying coin is really cheap. Hopefully you read this before I get the can for the month.


The biggest advantage of the higher AH Prices is, your pack have higher value, at least at the beginning. Today I wouldnt rip a UL pack, costs 140000 coins and the 96 UL Set pieces go for 110k. It seems during the last 2 years that the amount of PC players has decreased pretty strong, since the availability of rare cards is much higher then last 2 Maddens.


thanks for your input. confused by your last sentence tho, more rare cards available = less pc players??


PC is definitely a growing platform and once a new version releases it's generally fairly active with a solid AH and varied h2h matchups. But it's still far from matching consoles, which means you can start to feel the user drop off around Christmas, and playing through the whole year isn't really recommended, both the market and h2h will get stale.

More rare items being available will probably be down to the TVP, which is a blessing for PC because LTD items have otherwise been really rare.


Ups I wanted to say "increased", maybe autocorrect, I wrote that on my pad... lol


Other than that. Your going to win alot. And see the same players who call the same stupid plays, working or not, over and over and over.


Well there is a guy whose name is ex PC pro that poops on me with his gun bunch cluster that’s on PlayStation now so one less sweaty


im sold! haha