
Now that I'm playing way less I reasize how bad this game truly is

Only when you spend more time on other games both online and offline you get to see how deeply flawed this game is in its core. You can truly watch sometimes how the game determines catch/breakup/pick while the ball is still in the air and it doesn't even matter sometimes how open/covered your receiver is. Players run into each other all the time, tackle animations glitch out to where you wrapped up on a guy but then he pops off the ground weirdly etc. The list goes on and on. I played this game several hours daily for the past 6 months and actually at one point thought it was at least decent but the gameplay mechanics are not only outdated, they're being put to shame by games that are a decade older. This game is the epitome of putting lipstick on a pig. X Factors, Abilities, fancy card art, tik tok celebration dances etc. but on every play 2-3 guys dumb out on the field. Fixing gameplay and therefore making your players happy is labor-intensive while not increasing revenue. And since EA is not into making a good game but rather optimizing cost revenue ratio, his is what we get. A mashup between a slotmachine with digital collectible football cards and as a sidekick a football game thats stuck in the 90's. People who are into buying packs and playing around with theme teams, abilities etc. win. People who want a good football video game lose.

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