
Nerfed Daily Quicksells

By this time last year I had gotten multiple 100k quicksells for my daily 2 wins and a pack. Anyone else gone on a 7 month cold streak like me on quicksells?


I got 75k a few weeks ago


Yeah another thing the Suits at EA requested to be nerfed so they can squeeze more $$$ from people.. my advice don't fall for the scam...

At some point the suits will learn to stop interfering with madden & ruining the game & turning away customers because of there cash grab..

When they quit only thinking about $$$ & shut up let tje devs do there jobs while the suits write the checks they will eventually learn they will make more $$$$ by selling more copies if they allow the devs to make a quality game & do there customers right...

EA devs cater to the suits who write the checks suits demanded the quicksells be nerfed hoping people buy more packs.. just another way for the suits to destroy a once great mode...


My biggest of the year was like 20k


I've got 30k and 25k Muitiple times this year, even 50K once. Never 100k! ever

Edited by user789540


I've got 10k ever since I hit 99 the day after the series launched


Ive yet to get anything over 10k


I got a 130k a week ago and been getting 30k on the regular


Got 50k once as my highest, otherwise mostly the minimum and a couple sprinkled in here or there at 15k or 20k.


200k once this year. Happy when I get 10k now


Highest I ever got was 25k


Got 50k yesterday and it was my highest all year


Got 25k yesterday. Probably my highest all year..


i just got 50k yesterday only level 70.