I've noticed that abilities don't really make that much of a difference. The game is too random for those abilities to be worth it. I ran the ball down people's throats with abilities for like 5 games in a row and then all of a sudden my guys refused to get blocks or refused to hold them. I now just have my offensive abilities equipped for passing so in case they aren't getting blocks, I at least have a chance to throw the ball
There you go, this guy wrote a thesis on the subject.
I’d you need abilities at other spots. Just use post up and matador on your center for 2AP. It’ll help with inside zone and trap plays.
I don’t have any AP on my O-Line but I play on the Series X and on him I got reach for it and the stuff from stronger stiff arms and trucks and I have fun with that
That ability is called bruiser I believe
Nasty Streak. if you want try it in franchise but its a game changer you can only put it on guards
Edited by hdbxibexxjenc
You cant put nasty streak on tackles?
Edited by AirRaidAssassin
What are the must have abilities for the Offensive Line?