It does say when it’s available from the missions screen. Next week.
Appreciate it! I wish there was just a thumps-up or check mark to use for certain posts that didn't need more than explaining. Not an indignation on you per-se, but I just wanted to state that fact.
Edited by ModularMayhem
Really for week 1 drop you can only get 69 so look for(Next wed)for more to drop but as of right now nothing has been confirmed on the amount of stars we'll be able to get with the 2nd drop.My guess is we'll be able to get close to the 120 stars and (Since we'll have just a couple of winners GT's)left the devs GT's will start dropping a week from today so EA could very well let this go for another 2 weeks and give everyone a chance to go after a few of the devs GT's.
Again nothing has been 100% confirmed on how many devs GT's we'll be getting so the Wed part 2 will tell a lot.Once you hit the 120 stars whatever GT's are out will be the only ones you'll be able to pull so depending on how next weeks drop is done i'm going to hold off before i hit the 120 stars mark just to be safe for a chance at 1 of the devs GT's.
Someone posted yesterday info about it being a fantasy pack
Probably next wednesday, but soon for sure
Thanks for the reply. Damn, what a tease by EA, they usually release the entire NAT solo thing at once, no waiting, and it's always a fantasy pack. Not saying this won't be, but I don't have good vibes as far as that goes, I hope i'm wrong.
Edited by ModularMayhem
The later the better tbh, we get more choices for GTs then
True, but, honestly they could've just waited until all the GTs are released and then drop this promo. That's pretty much what they do each year.
This may have been asked somewhere else, but i'm just getting the 70 stars max you can do, and the featured tier with the 99 OVR Golden Ticket NAT at 120 stars. It doesn't say anywhere when this will be available, so maybe someone else knows or they released it on the main page and I didn't see it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.