3days was my longest it amounted to about 200k training tho. 😂 but I’ve pulled about 30 so I can’t be to mad about those 3days
Prolly 400-500k give or take. Don’t really keep track anymore.
Friday’s are usually brutal for me, but pulled 9 today in about 500-700k TP. Even two of the new ones (Banks/Aiyuk)
Edited by lachrymotion
That’s crazy. I pulled a similar amount and only pulled 2 today. Gg’s
Yep Friday’s are usually the worst for me. I’ll pull anywhere between 2-4m worth of TP and usually only get 3 or 4 in that span. Never any of the new releases. This day luck was on my side.
Edited by lachrymotion
Classic EA, they drop basically the best QB due to his speed & maxed out throwing attributes and probably the best defensive GT and then turn the knob down on packs. I spent 200k training today...nothing.
i havent pulled a GT or an ltd at all this year lol..had to of rolled at least 2 mill in training lol
I have spent 725K in training today and have not pulled a GT...or any type. Not one of the new ones, not one of the old ones, nothing.
Which is fine, I've had incredible luck this year, so not complaining, just answering the question.
I pulled Trubisky the year he got a GT. Ended up giving it away to someone on here.. That's my 1 and only that I have ever pulled, so a 3(?) Year dry spell I guess?
I rolled 100k got Smith. Then I quick sold him and rolled another 100k and got Woods. So a good day for me
why quicksell smith when you could sell him and buy someone like tebow and pocket 75-100k?
I had Farve and Smith so I just wanted to keep rolling. I didn’t care about coins.
You quick sold a Smith? I thought he was still going for 230-250. Which I guess isn't a big difference, I've just seen quite a few GT's drop down under 150. Picked up a couple Tebow's for 140.
I had Farve and Smith so I just wanted to keep rolling. I didn’t care about coins.
Fair enough...game's pretty much over at this point anyway. Re-rolling is the only thing that's still kinda fun.
Yup. BTW is that AJ Dillon in your profile pic?
Yup. Faster than Aaron Jones, bigger than Derek Henry...and hopefully taking handoffs and catching screens from 12 next year.
m1k3y6i2 made it for me in one of his giveaway's. It's who I was planning on making...had I gotten a GT.
Ya know, you would be a lot happier if you didnt assume things about people. I didnt get nearly ANYTHING good pre-GTs, so my luck was coming when I finally pulled for them.
Lol, I only opened last week (when I pulled like 7) and this week I pulled that and got nothing.
I’ve got 100 MHC, I challenge you to screen record and upload you pulling packs with GTs every 150k / 60 pulls.
I was easily pulling a GT that often before today. I don't think it was that rare. In fact the only days I've had bad luck on have been Fridays, but if I had to guess, I'd say...before this week, for every 60 pulls, I'd average 1 GT.
This is where it crosses over from "randomness" into a class action lawsuit. There's no reason you (or anyone) should pulling a GT every 60 pulls, and I am easily 600 or more pulls in without a GT. That exceeds statistical variations which account for random seeding and indicate something more malicious.
Lol, that was last week, man, I can show you my team, but my luck is seemingly gone this week. I assure you I have no reason to lie, in fact, ask m1k3y, I was messaging him during most of the process.
Edited by Fender2007Guy
200-300k. I just pulled Zeke for my first today.
The entirety of the releases for GT so far this year, I would say I've hold about 250k worth of training and not gotten a single one. All year only got one LTD out of every pack I pulled. So frustrating with people rolling the same amount and getting four and five
I feel Like when they hit they hit though.
Pulled one then 15k later pulled another.
I feel like it’s all luck. The only think that makes me feel differently is when I see the same card pop up in a row.
However if you need 1k quick sell I’m your guy.
My specialties are the 2k quicksell and 90 Jamaal Adams redux, he is coming in full force today
At least 3 mill in training since I started playing again. Got like 4 GT’s the first day and none since
Some ppl havent pulled any......be glad you pulled a gt at all
Edited by bbrewer23goblue
Yeah, all mine came from last weekend when I went crazy, havent gotten one yet this week tho, went dry.
Hahaha keep feeding ea , exactly why this game is trash.....NMS FOR LIFE, GANG GANG
Edited by bbrewer23goblue
What’s to say I’m not? I just have a gambling mentality with the coins and training I do have
I’ve noticed a lot of people talking about having crummy luck today, even having quite a bit myself. For those who have been pulling a lot of training recently like myself, I was wondering what your highest drystreaks have been. Personally, I’m sitting at somewhere near 500-600k training since my last GT pull, and the TVPs have not been especially kind either.