Knowing they break more than they fix? Knowing that at every chance they show they dont care about the player base? Knowing that the game is never a finished product at release or even at the end of the cycle (when they stop 2 months early)
Its kinda like staying or going back to a cheating ex-girlfriend
1) its the only football game out there?
2) Its the only game I've ever known?
3) It will be better this time?
4) they do care they are going to make improvements?
10 years later its still the same crap game if not worse and much like that relationship..... you probably arent going anywhere....... but you arent going anywhere.
Knowing they break more than they fix? Knowing that at every chance they show they dont care about the player base? Knowing that the game is never a finished product at release or even at the end of the cycle (when they stop 2 months early)
Its kinda like staying or going back to a cheating ex-girlfriend
1) its the only football game out there?
2) Its the only game I've ever known?
3) It will be better this time?
4) they do care they are going to make improvements?
10 years later its still the same crap game if not worse and much like that relationship..... you probably arent going anywhere....... but you arent going anywhere.