
Do you prefer the old RP, or the new style?

Just looking to gauge overall what people think. Lets see what muthead thinks


So, I finished all the RP challenges and all the mission goals that unlocked all the Endorsements - got 20 and then did the 1-star challenges and finished those up. I purchased all 15 of the coin RP packs (with the 93s) and completed all the exchange sets and now there is nothing left to finish up and I still have 3 player sets uncompleted (30 collectibles still needed). The only viable path left looks like the 93 RP exchange to do 30 times to get them done, or do people think there will be more RP content in the next month? Thanks.


Old not even close



all they had to do was actually make the dynamic upgrades WORTH it. not that difficult at all.


Old. Would have been Nice if we got all ten next year

Edited by lordmolina1


New because cards are so expensive 1st month of season. Would rather stack coins and plug in the 10 rookies and then spend when the cards become outdated.


It'd be better if they found a way to allow you to carry coins or other resources over.

1 point

I'm torn, it's really dependent on the OVR in 22. If they're 87+ I'll be happy with the change. If they're 84-86 I would say they gave us too few (4) would want more . If they're below 84 completely unhappy about the change


Neither. Do 32 rookie premieres (1 from each team). When the new game starts you get whichever player you picked their power up for free and the first of every month the power up gets a new level. Not statistic based, not achievement based. Just if you stick around and completed RP next year you’ll have a usable card all year long as it slowly upgrades towards a 99 every month.

1 point

I'll reserve judgement. Likely won't be getting it next year anyway, but I'll see what people have said and see what they think of it all. I do think putting some effort in to obtain 10 RPs and then being told you can only choose four max in the next game is a bit of a kick in the nuts. If you unlock one you should get one, you unlock 10 then give the people 10 EA, it doesn't hurt you does it?

Edited by apt49


The old. Also, is there any harm in quick selling the RP masters after making them as in do we need to keep them in binder to get credit toward next year’s RP’s?

1 point

No as soon as you complete the set you can qs if you don't want or need the rp card. You'll still get your m22 tokens next year.


Got it. Thank you!

1 point

I do recommend keeping Pitts tho holy crap he is insane


Old...unknown informatiom on the players for new. Will they get upgraded? Will they have overall rating that can be used into at least Oct? Probably not.


Its been confirmed that they dont upgrade

2 points

Old was better. EA was just slow and/or stingy in upgrading them. All they needed to do was be more active in their upgrades and the promo would be fine instead of this cluster fuck they created.


Unless you have a traumatic brain injury old his better.


Old. M21 was the 1st year in decades I didn't buy the game. When it became available for free on Game Pass I started playing. At that time all of the RPs from M20 were fully upgraded. So, I started the game with 10 players all 91+. Some players like Chase Young remained on my team for at least a month. Having the RPs in M21 helped me a ton. If I was going to buy the game on the first day I still would prefer the old method. Most years there have been at least one or two cards that make it on the roster later in the year. Plus there is always hope (when a RP has a great game) that they will get an upgrade, granted, misguided hope since it rarely works out that way. What a disappointment that EA destroyed this unique program.


RP program was getting better every year, remember back in like ‘15 some RP never even get upgraded, the last few years they all get upgrades, and last year (20->21) they can finally get physical chems , I thought the program would just continually get better


Old because I like the mechanic of cards that dynamically change throughout the season. Now, this mechanic is out of the game. EA could have been more diligent on upgrading cards more frequently to make players happy. Instead of complaining an RP player isn't included in a promo, they could announce in the promo what RPs (or all) will be getting bumps; hell they could even dynamically change the art as well as the OVR to make them really feel included in a promo (with the RP card acting like a PU card with selectable art). I like the high initial OVR with the new program, but not that the RP promo will be stale in 2-4 weeks after launch.


We don’t even know how high OVR these will be