
Best theme team

What is the best theme team?


Cowboys and bears both insane my cowboys is 50/50 with 17 gts and 99 p and 99k


The Bills have a decent TT this year.


This is my 50/50 Niners squad. Though to imagine a better baseline for a team.


Depends what you consider best. Like just a 50/50 with everything else filled or a play from that team at each position.

I have a all 99 50/50 Raiders squad. Went on like a 11 game win streak last night before losing my superbowl


On top of that, Raiders constantly get upgrades like Rod Woodson, Khalil Mack etc & will continue to with Hendricks, Sapp, Jerry Rice still coming


Jaguars of course! #GoJags


Broncos obviously.

Seriously though it's always going to be your favorite team


Unless we actually analyze instead of pushing beliefs as though its equal..... I'm a big broncos fan lol but we don't have a Moss or Sanders, and they are the top at their positions, with Moss i guess is 1A 2A with Calvin. I love attempting to break down football to causal links. It can be done, and it would be awesome if they would share all that NExt Gen impact and speed and location data with the public. NFL Network analysts are a joke, and everyone good that will bother to do it, does it by calculating all the forces he can from a tape.


There are quite a few. Go check out the theme team lineup thread under lineup feedback and choose what you like best. I rock 49ers and I mean it's beefy. Just got better this week with Mack 99, Bosa 99, and Woodson 99.

Edited by donthavethetime


Your favorite one.